Our Service

We are a dedicated group of individuals that bring different ideas, theories, and evidence to prove the existence of Sasquatch. We conduct field research and expeditions in regions with reported sightings. We collect and analyze evidence including eyewitness testimonies, audio recordings, and potential physical evidence. We are passionate about exploring cryptozoological phenomena.

Founder and President Wayne Totherow, since 2019. Collaborating research investigation in KY, TN, GA, AL, MO, VA, NC, SC, and MS.


Conduct thorough investigation, share knowledge, and foster a spirit of collaboration among those intrigued by the mysteries of the elusive creature. Gather evidence to help prove their existence.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause or participate yourself. If you have any reported sightings, we would love for you to reach out to us. If you would like to be a part of our team and have fun while obtaining evidence, please let us know. We never change to do an investigation!

Mannimal Research Merchandise